We’ve waited a very long time to find the perfect CBD product to offer our clients. We never thought we’d find the ideal product that is FDA approved, independent third-party lab tested, and completely THC-FREE—introducing CBD CLINIC’s Level 5 CBD oil and Pain Stick.
Our Client’s favorite CBD Clinic facts
- Level 5 CBD Clinic lasts 8-10 hours when applied locally for muscles and 3-8 hours for nerve pain.
- CBD Clinic is the first and ONLY FDA-registered and independently tested topical medication with CBD
- Natural Emollients are used as a base for faster absorption.
- Potent Terpenes (aromatic essential oils that are analgesic) are used to reduce pain.
- Endocannabinoid Modulators are lipids (CBD oil) attached to receptors in our brain and central & peripheral nervous systems to interrupt pain signals.
- SAFER PAIN RELIEF – does not enter the bloodstream

Is CBD marijuana?
CBD Clinic’s CBD comes from the Hemp strain, not the marijuana strain. The FDA regulates Hemp farms so that they cannot produce plants with a THC level higher than .3%. THC is the molecule that gets you high. If the growers make a mistake and the THC is more elevated, they must destroy the plants. Hemp is a highly regulated plant for this reason.
Can THC build up in my body?
Yes, THC can build up in your body, and you could pop positive on a drug test if the grower uses one of these two methods to extract the CBD…
- Full-spectrum method
- Broad-spectrum method
CBD Clinic only uses the CBD ISOLATE METHOD. That means that you CANNOT pop positive on a drug test. This method isolates and removes the CBD molecule from the chemical bonds with its naturally occurring terpenes, flavonoids, and additional cannabinoids. It is these three different substances that could inadvertently carry varying levels of THC into your CBD product. The FDA has independently studied CBD Clinics products for over two years to see if they could build up in the body, and THEY DON’T. The FDA has its eye on CBD Clinic’s oil from seed to shelf, so you know it’s safe for use.
If hemp is so incredible, why are we just now hearing about it?
For a short but crazy history lesson on what happened to the hemp plant in America, check out these two excellent videos:
Basically, hemp was a big deal in manufacturing clothing, paper, and fertilizer until it started to compete with Dupont and the lumber barons’ profits in the early 20th century. Our Founding Fathers mandated that it be grown for the good of our economy. Hemp paper was used to pen our Declaration of Independence, and Levi’s made their first pair of jeans with hemp. The hemp plant became a massive threat to the big guys, so they squashed it with propaganda, saying that it would lead civilization into ruin because it was marijuana. So, hemp eventually got classified as a Schedule 1 drug, just like pot. Thank goodness our government saw sense and declassified it in the 2018 Farm Bill. Calvin Klien, Sanuk, North Face, Hanes, Fruit of The Loom, and many other top manufactures are scrambling to use this inexpensive, durable, and newly-repopularized fiber in their products.

We can’t keep CBD Clinic on our shelves.
We have three ways that you can experience CBD Clinic’s Level 5 Pain Relief formula at MassageFIX…
- Add-on to any service (one area) for $15
- In our Just FIX Me treatment for $95 (60min) & $125 (75min).
- We sell the take home Level 5 Pain Sticks for $60 + tax
We hope you found this blog helpful and will choose one of the above ways to try this revolutionary pain killer at MassageFIX. It’s not sold in stores or on the internet. CBD Clinic wants to make sure that clients know what they are getting and how to use it. We approve of their standards. Education and excellence over profit!